4ever49, creates a community that celebrates getting older. It is for those of us aged 49, or those of us who simply wish we were 49 again once more.
Love, Laughter & Lifestyle is what it's all about!
We don’t take ourselves or life too seriously, we demote the ego, we celebrate humanity and humility, we encourage a healthy lifestyle, all delivered with a tongue in cheek sense of fun.
This is going to be so good that “49 envy” is set to become a thing amongst the youngsters, though we will have a Children’s Section (for those aged 48 and under) to keep them happy while they impatiently await their own coming of age.
"4ever49, like Forever21 (but for old people)"

4ever49, a community for proper grown-ups!
If you are aged 48 or below, look away now!
OK, so now we are alone (without the children), I can speak frankly.
It is time for us 4ever49'rs to celebrate life, simply "cutting loose"! Maybe throwing crazy shapes on the dance floor, while wearing our designer 4ever49 incontinence underwear, (just to be sure! :-)
4ever49 is our community in the making. It constantly tunes into the positive energy that surrounds us.
It is fun, funny & fearless, we don’t take ourselves, (or life) too seriously.
See our 4ever49 video intro below & maybe consider our invitation to become a Big Fat Loser in 2023?