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Message to Humanity from the Council of Ascended Masters

Writer's picture: John DrewJohn Drew

This is a summary from Sara Landon's channelled book "The Wisdom of the Council", adapted to be presented from the perspective of humanity.

This is the opening message from the Council, and for the curious, the book comes very highly recommended, as there is so much more to be said!

To see this in video format, click the pic and the 20 minute extract is immediately available.

A Council of Ascended Masters.. Please Define?

There are many Ascended Masters, including those that incarnated as Buddha, Mother Mary, Jesus, Thoth, St Germaine & so many more. They have been here many times under many identities to be “way showers”. Now, if we choose it, it is our turn to be “way showers” for The New Earth. But we are far from alone, because they are us, and we are them.

Section one

It is time to remember what at a higher consciousness level, we already know.. We are Miraculous, Masterful & Magical! We have fun opportunities to play & create, and we really don’t have to take this too seriously. If we are in our joy, we are doing it right! If we are in our joy, we will be living our greatest potential as the enlightened, realised Masters that we are, living an endless, abundant, joyful manifestation.

This is a powerful & important time in the history of the human experience, a time of the highest level of possibility. A time of expansion & creation on Earth, taking us to our New Earth reality. It is time to “allow” our power, our divine gift. The past imagined limitations have no bearing on our future, unless we choose limitations for ourselves. Our individual awareness, presence & consciousness are all that matter now. Bring all that we are, into this moment. 

Section two

We are all Masters in physical form, with the ability to create anything we wish. The love, the abundance, joy, richness, beauty, freedom, the wellbeing & all the vitality we desire. From there we will go deeper & deeper, things get better & better as we find new ways of expressing ourselves.

We chose this magnificent life experience for ourselves, and part of us always remembers the reason we came here. We are here to create our masterpiece. We just need to remember the power of our consciousness, our presence, the love that we are, and the powerful creators we each are. We can choose to leave the density behind us. It is time to shine our light for all to see. 

This is how we “allow” new levels of creation. The New Earth is here already, so we can already move into our new potential. As we expand our consciousness, we also do so for those around us, to realise more of this truth within them. Allow it, receive it, celebrate it, and rejoice in it.

There are many distractions that create resistance, that separate us from 'Heaven on Earth' when we allow them into our focus. But we have the power to choose to stay conscious & present, and to create our reality and the way we want it, in every moment. We are the only ones who can stop ourselves from experiencing Heaven on Earth. So stay in joy, love, peace & harmony, and Heaven on Earth is yours.

Section three

We are NEVER alone, we are loved, guided, protected & assisted, every moment of every day. As we focus on the good stuff, it expands, so focus on every positive aspect to allow that expansion of magic, abundance, joy, love, freedom, beauty & wellbeing, embody it, realise it, and it expands. 

Section four

To receive our divine birth right, we just have to "allow”. We are endless, we are eternal, there is nothing that could ever happen to us to change that. Everything is always happening for us, not to us. 

New possibilities will come to us constantly, providing we “allow”. There is more going on here that the human mind can comprehend, but we are here to create Heaven on Earth (our Elevated Planet World of unspeakable beauty).

No “efforting” is required, just feeling our way into a greater expression of who we are. It is not our job to “figure it out”, it is our job to feel our way into our heart, allow the feeling of what you want in this moment, welcome it & celebrate it now! Go into your heart, set your dreams free to expand and draw to us, that that is even beyond our wildest dreams. We are all divine aspects of the creator, we have NO limitations. 

Section five

It is time to come into harmony with all we are. This allows our highest potentials to be manifested through us. Move into harmony with nature, the land, the animals, the plants, the air, the water, with our human family, with the infinite intelligence that is all around us, with our soul, our spirit, with the source, the heavens & the stars. As we do so, there is wellbeing, abundance, freedom, love, peace & inspiration, all here for us now. 

We bring to our beloved human family, love, joy, peace, abundance, wellbeing, freedom, beauty & harmony for all. By coming together in the nature of our ONENESS, there is even more of everything, for everyone.

There is a dream within our hearts for this realisation to become reality, but first we must realise it first for ourselves. This makes it possible for all of humanity to do the same. In this, you are allowing your infinite worth, abundance, wellbeing, love, intelligence, that has never forgotten who you are, and why you are here and all that is possible for us.

We are the force that creates worlds, we already are everything we wish to be. It is time to create our masterpiece. Elevated Planet defines this as our World of Unspeakable Beauty.


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